Thursday, December 9, 2010

'Love Flows Both Ways' Hamburgers in Down Town Chicago

Three plaster hamburgers with Damien Hirst skateboards.

Two hamburgers (one plaster, one silicone) with a Shepard Fairey print and Takashi Murakami skateboards.

Photographs of Alfredo Salazar-Caro's hamburgers at Maxwell-Collette's Pop-Up Gallery on State Street. The show "Love Flows Both Ways: Street Culture x Contemporary Art" includes artists Takashi Murakami, Banksy, Space Invader, Sheperd Fairy, Keith Herring and Damien Hirst among others.

For more details on the show click here
Maxwell Collette Gallery

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Untitled (Hypercube)

Collaborative piece by Kate Csato, Alfredo Salazar-Caro and Diana Chenault.
Hypercube is an interactive video installation in which photocell-controlled oscillators react to the intensity from a three channel video projection.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Sub(conscious) Flow

Sub(conscious) Flow from Alfredo Salazar-Caro on Vimeo.

16mm Film

The pace of the city is one of constantly increasing speed. Mundane acts are easily forgotten as time consuming nuisances. Sub(conscious) Flow is about being trapped in a single repetitive, ordinary moment. With no escape from a time bubble, perhaps the mind would create time to relax and experience the world. Or perhaps it would not.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

For Machines, By Machines

For Machines, By Machines from Alfredo Salazar-Caro on Vimeo.

Mass produced foods in the 21st century have become more synthetic than natural. This separation from nature and fast food's incredible resilience to decay make it seem more suitable for machine than human consumption.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Switching Networks Due to Signal Error

Switching Networks Due To Signal Error from Alfredo Salazar-Caro on Vimeo.

With young technologies like the internet new possibilities arise. Games like World of Warcraft and Second Life and even programs like Facebook give users the option to abandon social reality to join virtual communities. Would it be possible to achieve conscious immortality by becoming permanently connected to the internet? Will there be an option in the future to abandon out physical bodies for a digital avatar?

Friday, October 15, 2010

100% Machine Separated

100% Machine Separated
Silicone, mat board, wood, plexiglass, video projection.

100% Machine Separated is a comment on the disconnection between american culture and their food source. The vast majority of people in this country consume food that is artificially constituted in factories, where food is packed with chemicals in order to preserve it and make it visually appealing. The lack of questioning of where this food is coming from is a leeway for industries to abuse their consumers.

I Am All Men As I Am No Man And Therefor I Am.

I Am All Men As I Am No Man And Therefore I Am. from Alfredo Salazar-Caro on Vimeo.

It is human nature to form groups. It is in the essence of this nature that those within our group have attributes that we find desirable. Whether they be physical, mental, regional, political or religious these attributes can unite or separate us.
This piece engages in questions of group dynamics versus individuality, alienation versus embracement.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Living In Chicago

So Chicago Illinois is my new state of residence. I am attending SAIC here. In the few weeks that I have been here it has proven to be quite an adventure. I can't wait to see what kind of work will come out of this endeavor .

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Some New, Some Newer.

Man Vs. Self (detail)
Mixed Media.

Oedipus Loves Electra. (detail)
Mixed Media, Video.

Beaner (detail)
Mixed Media, Video.

Beaner, Oedipus Loves Electra and Man Vs. Self.
Installation view.

I am all men as I am no man and therefore I am.
Video Projection, traditional Mexican toys.

Resin Skulls.

Acrylic, Plaster Mushrooms.

34 @ 500X